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25 years Experience

Security Guard Services

Security Services

Objective: To ensure the safety and security of all personnel, property, and information within the corporate premises through the implementation of effective security measures and protocols.

1. General Duties:

  • Access Control: Monitor and control entry and exit points. Verify the identity of employees, visitors, and contractors.
  • Patrols: Conduct regular patrols of the premises, including parking lots, common areas, and restricted zones.
  • Surveillance: Monitor CCTV systems and report any suspicious activity.
  • Incident Response: Respond to alarms, emergencies, and security breaches promptly and effectively.
  • Reporting: Maintain accurate and detailed logs of all incidents, patrols, and security checks.

2. Access Control:

  • Employee Entry: Verify employee IDs and issue temporary badges as needed.
  • Visitor Management: Register visitors, issue visitor badges, and ensure they are escorted by an employee.
  • Contractor Access: Verify credentials of contractors and ensure they are accompanied by a responsible employee.
  • Deliveries: Inspect and record all incoming deliveries. Verify the delivery person’s credentials and ensure packages are directed to the appropriate department.

3. Patrol Procedures:

  • Frequency: Conduct patrols at specified intervals, varying routes to avoid predictability.
  • Checkpoints: Ensure all designated checkpoints are inspected during each patrol.
  • Documentation: Record the time and findings of each patrol in the security log.
  • Anomalies: Report any unusual activities, maintenance issues, or security breaches immediately to the supervisor.

4. Surveillance and Monitoring:

  • CCTV: Continuously monitor CCTV feeds for suspicious activity.
  • Alarm Systems: Regularly check alarm systems to ensure they are functioning correctly.
  • Control Room: Maintain a presence in the control room as scheduled, ensuring all surveillance equipment is operational.

5. Incident Response:

  • Alarm Response: Immediately investigate the cause of any triggered alarm and report findings.
  • Emergency Situations: Follow the emergency response plan, including evacuation procedures and coordination with emergency services.
  • Conflict Resolution: De-escalate conflicts professionally and report incidents to management.
  • First Aid: Provide first aid within the scope of training and coordinate with medical services if necessary.

6. Reporting and Documentation:

  • Incident Reports: Complete detailed incident reports for all security breaches, emergencies, and noteworthy occurrences.
  • Daily Logs: Maintain a daily log of all activities, including patrols, visitor entries, and incidents.
  • Shift Handover: Conduct thorough briefings during shift changes to ensure continuity of security operations.

7. Professional Conduct:

  • Appearance: Maintain a professional appearance and wear the designated uniform.
  • Communication: Communicate clearly and courteously with employees, visitors, and law enforcement personnel.
  • Confidentiality: Protect the confidentiality of sensitive information and adhere to company policies on data protection.
  • Training: Participate in ongoing training programs to stay updated on security protocols and emergency procedures.

8. Emergency Procedures:

  • Fire: Follow the fire emergency protocol, including alarm activation, evacuation procedures, and coordination with fire services.
  • Medical Emergency: Provide first aid if trained and coordinate with emergency medical services.
  • Security Breach: Secure the area, contain the situation if possible, and notify law enforcement and management immediately.
  • Evacuation: Assist in the orderly evacuation of the building, ensuring all personnel are accounted for and directed to safety.